Understanding file paths in R
When working with directories in R, path formatting is crucial. While Windows uses backslashes (\) in file paths, R requires forward slashes (/). For example, the Windows path:
Should be written in R as:
Creating new directory
dir.create() function establishes new directories in the specified location. For instance, to create a subdirectory named ‘R’ within the ‘Rmethods’ folder:
Important considerations when creating directories:
- Always enclose paths in double quotes
- Use forward slashes (/) for path separation
- Set showWarnings = TRUE to receive creation notifications
- Enable recursive = TRUE to create parent directories if they don’t exist
- Specify mode = 0777 to grant full read, write, and execute permissions
Try using the dir.create.unique function to create a uniquely named directory.
Checking directory existence
dir.exists() confirms if the directory exists & returns TRUE if successful else FALSE:.
[1] TRUE
Getting contents in directory
dir() function gets list of contents in the current directory.
[1] “141024.R” “car1.txt” “cars.txt” “mtcars.xlsx” “mtcars1.csv”
Getting previous working directory in the path
dirname() gives the previous directory in the path.
[1] “C:/Users/stat/OneDrive/Desktop/Rmethods”
Getting last working directory
basename() provides the complete path of the working directory.
[1] “R”
Checking current directory
getwd() provides the current working directory.
[1] “C:/Users/stat/OneDrive/Desktop/PixelR/R”
Setting working directory
setwd() to set ‘R’ as working directory under ‘Rmethods’.
Removing directory
unlink() removes a directory & its content.
unlink(“C:/Users/stat/OneDrive/Desktop/Rmethods/R”, recursive = TRUE)
Checking if a file exists
file.exists() to check if any file exits in the directory & returns TRUE if successful else FALSE:
Removing files
file.remove() removes a particular file & returns TRUE if successful else FALSE:
Remember, if working on current working directory, don’t have to give the path. Otherwise, required.
Renaming files
file.rename() changes a file name & returns TRUE if successful else FALSE:
file.rename(from = “car1.txt”, to = “car2.txt”)
Creating files
file.create() creates a new file & returns TRUE if successful else FALSE:
Copying files
file.copy() duplicates files while preserving the original & returns TRUE if successful else FALSE:
file.copy(from = “car2.txt”, to = “car1.txt”)